Replica Louis Vuitton Marceau chain handbag- Black/Brown
Introducing the Louis Vuitton Marceau chain handbag in black/brown. a stylish and practical accessory for the modern woman. Measuring 25 x 15 x 7 cm (9.6 x 5.9 x 2.6 inches) in length. height. and width. this bag is made from monogram coated canvas and cowhide leather. with smooth cowhide leather lining and trim. The gold-color hardware adds a touch of luxury to the design.
The Marceau chain handbag features a sliding chain that can be adjusted to suit your needs. with a chain drop of 11.4 inches and a maximum chain drop of 21.3 inches. The chain is also removable. giving you the option to carry the bag as a clutch. The bag has an S-lock closure. inspired by the House’s heritage trunks. and an outside flat pocket for easy access to your essentials.
Inside. the Marceau chain handbag has a large zipped pocket and a flat pocket. providing ample storage space for your belongings. The sliding chain has a leather shoulder pad for added comfort. making this bag perfect for everyday use.
Product details
- 25 x 15 x 7 cm | 9.6 x 5.9 x 2.6 inches(length x Height x Width)
- Black
- Monogram coated canvas and cowhide leather
- Smooth cowhide leather lining
- Smooth cowhide leather trim
- Sliding chain
- Gold-color hardware
- Inside flat pocket
- Inside large zipped pocket
- Outside flat pocket
- S-lock closure
- Chain:Sliding. removable
- Chain drop: 11.4 inches
- Chain drop max: 21.3 inches
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